
Uncover is an archival platform with the aim to expose the book within fashion through (re)discovering treasures of the past, as well as shedding light on current perspectives. Uncover recognizes the importance of fashion ephemera such as designer publications, magazines and lookbooks in the construction of fashion. Moving beyond treating fashion as a commodity, Uncover seeks meaning in unveiling experimental and radical forms of fashion publishing. The platform’s aim is not to create an overview of the history of fashion publishing, but rather, it wants to facilitate reflection, inspiration and discussion on fashion publishing by inviting people working with and on the archive. In activating the archive, Uncover looks to create new narratives on the cultural, social, political and economic aspects of fashion.

Uncover is an initiative of Beau Bertens, with contributions by Anouk Beckers, Mary-Lou Berkulin, Laura Gardner, Emma Singleton, Colby Vexler & Justin Clemens, Femke de Vries and Hanka van der Voet.

Web development by F451.
Kindly supported by the Creative Industries Fund.

Disclaimer: Uncover recognizes that archives are by default incomplete and acknowledges that it is forever in a state of becoming. If you have suggestions for additions to Uncover, or additional information on publications already on the website, please send an email to info@uncoverarchive.com.

Libraries & Archives
Online Archive